Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  NGC 2237  ·  NGC 2238  ·  NGC 2239  ·  NGC 2246  ·  Rosette A  ·  Rosette B  ·  Rosette Nebula  ·  The star 12Mon
Rosette Nebula (Hubble Palette - SHO), Marco Rapino
Rosette Nebula (Hubble Palette - SHO)
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Rosette Nebula (Hubble Palette - SHO)

Rosette Nebula (Hubble Palette - SHO), Marco Rapino
Rosette Nebula (Hubble Palette - SHO)
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Rosette Nebula (Hubble Palette - SHO)



Acquisition details



This winter has been terrible in terms of weather. It rained all the time and when it didn't either it was foggy or there was a full moon 🌝
So last weekend there was super clear sky and a huge shining moon above my head and I thought: screw that, I'm gonna image anyway or else I'll sell my setup sooner or later. 😆
So it's been 3 nights imaging in narrow band, the first two nights it was super dry, but the seeing, especially the first night, was awful. An average FWHM of 2.5"/px so to speak..
The third night when imaging the SII the humidity was above 95% and the moon was almost within the guiding FOV. 😅
Despite that, after many hours of painful processing in PixInsight (which is btw a superlative software considering the raw data I had!) here it is the final result! 😍
A beautiful and colorful nebula with several star clusters in the central region.
Reminds me of Sauron's eye, doesn't it?! 👁️


Sky plot

Sky plot


Rosette Nebula (Hubble Palette - SHO), Marco Rapino